
Friday, September 21, 2012

Analemma Rising Sun with Venus transit

An analemma is shaped curve "8" you get to mark the position of the Sun at the same time every day of the year Earth. In this case, the 17 photographs taken at 02:31 TU between 2 April and 16 September are half the analemma curve. The photos look east, toward the rising sun and the Caspian Sea, from the harbor promenade of Baku in Azerbaijan.

Dates mentioned, covering roughly the period between the equinoxes of 2012 (pictured at right), ie, between March 20 and September 22, match the shots in which the Sun was closer the horizon. The solstice in the northern hemisphere summer, occurred on June 20, corresponds to the upper left of the "8" when the sun was at its maximum declination north.

Of course, the exposure taken on June 6 this year caught some. The small black dot, barely glimpsed between the brightness of one of the disks that make up the solar upper analemma is the planet Venus.

This analemma of the rising sun was so carefully planned that Venus captured during one of the rare occasions that passes in front of the Sun

Analemma Martian. On planet Earth, is an analemma-shaped curve "8" which is obtained by checking at the same time the position of the sun every day of the year. But if you take note of the position of the Sun in the sky Martian draw a more simple, elongated pear-shaped, similar to that shown in this digital illustration. The image shows the setting sun as he had seen from the landing site of the Mars Pathfinder -called "Sagan Memorial Station" - every 30 days from 24th Martians. Drop Martian day, ie from July 29, 1997 in Earth calendar. The simulated sun is a bit dimmer than on Earth and the solar disk is a third less than seen from Earth. In addition, Mars dust responsible reddish Martian sky also scatters blue light around the solar disks

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